What Else Is Up

Here’s the quick run-down of what’s going on in my life.

First, I hate so much to say this, but I lost my job.  I got laid off.  I am sad about that, so very sad.  I finally found what I want to do, and I get laid off.  Sigh.  No worries, though, I’m very confident I’ll find a position in fashion again doing what I love.  Moving along.

Last week was Jaclyn’s birthday and we went to NKOTBSB.  YES FRIENDS YES.  It was awesome, and I will rank my NKOTBSBers in order of sexiness.

1.  Nick Carter. 
2.  Donnie Whalberg
3.  Jordan Knight
4.  Joey McIntire
5.  AJ McLean
6.  Danny Wood
7.  Jonathan Knight
8.  Howie Dorough
9.  Brian Littrell

THAT’S RIGHT, BRIAN IS DEAD LAST.  He’s so… ugh, I don’t know if it’s that sugary-sweet born-again shit or just like HE IS NOT SEXUAL AT ALL.  No.  He’s just not… and he squints a lot.  But welcome back to the top of the list, Nick. 

Also, Naughty by Nature made a special apperance at the concert.  I don’t know either dudes, but it was pretty cool.  I’d heard a rumor for a while that NKOTBSB were trying to get Boyz II Men on this tour but they said no.  That would have made more sense.  NKOTBSB2M? Too many acronyms.  And New Edition wouldn’t even work with that word scheme at all so of course they weren’t asked.  In the car, sitting in traffic waiting to get to the arena, Jaclyn and I were talking about boy bands and how cool it would have been if they had gotten Boyz II Men.  Then I said “yeah or they could have gotten that other shitty boy band…”

Jaclyn:  You mean 98 degrees?
Me:  No.  That other one with the song we liked.
Jaclyn:  Oh, that explains a lot. 
Me:  You know the one… what is it… (mumbling singing only a few words of the one song they had) “blah blah blah but I feel alright, thinkin’ bout makin’ my move tonight dooo dooo deeee daaaa guuuurl”
Jaclyn:  And what about that other shitty boy band that had 2 songs?
Me & Jaclyn together:  CUZ I WANT IT ALLLLLLL OR NOOOOTHING AT ALLLLLLL (and really off-key at that)
Me:  Remember they had that other song, Liquid Dreams, about … obviously wet dreams.
Jaclyn:  Oooooh yeah, why was that even a song?

So that was fun.  Then I returned back to regular life to do shit and get ready to move.

I’ve done ALL THE LAUNDRY THAT EVER WAS.  This might not seem like a big deal, as though you can say “pfft, I do laundry every week” and I thought I did too.  But I had secret laundry piles of stuff I wasn’t wearing for a while, or towels, linens, and just oh my god so many things.  Last week I did laundry for 8 hours straight on a Saturday.  Hard times.  Now everything is clean because I am packing it.

Been busy packing all my earthly belongings in preparation of moving in a week.  Mike’s wonderful, amazing and way-too-generous mother gifted us movers (a real actual moving company) for our moving day.  So instead of bribing our friends into slave labor with the promises of pizza, beer and an offer to return the favor for them next time they move, we get to sit back and sip lemonade as SOME GUYS move all our shit.  But this is leaving me with questions. 

1.  Do I have to take the clothes out of the dressers?  I don’t want to get more boxes.  These guys should just wrap the dresser shut and put it on a dolly or something, right?

2.  Do I even have to pretend like I’m going to do shit and help, because I’m not.  Not even a little.  The only thing I’m moving is the cat.

3.  Is this jug of Hawaiian Punch moonshine yet?  Because it’s still on my balcony.

Moving sucks so much.  The negative:  all our shit goes in boxes and we have to take it out of boxes again and then throw the boxes away.  The positive:  I guess I’ve been throwing out junk we don’t need and our new place is so much bigger than this one.  I’ve been a little spoiled living here, and there’s two things that the new pad won’t have that this one does:  a garbage disposal and a garbage chute down the hall.  Instead, I’ll have to just throw scraps IN THE GARBAGE CAN like a commoner, and then take that bag OUTSIDE to the trash can.  HARDSHIPS, I HAVE THEM. 

2 Responses to “What Else Is Up”

  1. Wendy Starr

    When we moved (with movers) they taped the dressers shut including the clothes in the drawers. The clothes in the closet had to go in a wardrobe box for them to move it.. so we said fuck that and just put them in garbage bags, then moved them ourselves. How hard is it to move clothes anyway. You should just get out of their way as much as you can though. I bought a case of bottles of water for our movers and they didn’t even take any. They said thanks but they brought their own stuff. We mostly stood around in a corner of the apt and answered any questions they had but they know what they are doing. Just let them do it and that’s it.

  2. Jaclyn

    Ok… I can totally see why you put Brian at the end. He is sort of asexual I guess. But you are ranking Jonathan Knight above Howie? Seriously? I can’t get behind that. Not when Jonathan looked all irritated and geriatric and just stood there through half the dance moves cause he just got a new hip. Howie is too syrupy sweet for me, but at least he is cute and doesn’t look like he came out of a nursing home for the tour. Otherwise, I have to agree with the list. Nick? I die. I want him to put it in my mouth. And Donnie shouldn’t even be allowed to have those abs at his age. They are forever in the spank bank. Concert was awesome though. Thanks for taking me!


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