TV Confession: I don’t know what’s going on

There’s TV shows that I watch and get really invested in and attached to.  Breaking Bad.  Dexter.  Grey’s Anatomy.  These are my jams.  There’s TV shows that I watch and like but don’t get too invested in because the plots aren’t too complicated.  New Girl, Girls, Kardashians, Modern Family.
But then there are other shows that I am somehow really into yet have no idea what is going on.
Game of Thrones.  Boardwalk Empire.
I will watch these every week with my boyfriend and in the moment I will be shocked by whatever is happening, or momentarily intrigued, but rest assured:  I have no fucking clue what is going on at all.
If you ask me about these shows, I will seem like a fan who is really into them, but I don’t know what’s happening!  I don’t know!  In Boardwalk, there’s mobsters and killing.  In Game of Thrones, there’s dragons and killing and HELLA SEX.  That’s about it, that’s all I can tell you.  I like these shows the way people like pretty things.
To be honest though, every single time I watch Thrones, there is a new character.  I cannot keep up with a cast of 100 people.  There are just too many damn people on that show.
On Boardwalk, everyone vaguely looks the same to me.  Except for half-face man.  And the other guy who used to be on the prohibition squad.  I can’t keep track of all the characters because they all look vaguely old-timey and nefarious.
In conclusion, I wish Friends and Seinfeld would come back.

My Cool Ass Bitchin’ Haircut

A couple weeks ago I’d had enough of long hair. I went from this:

to this:

Pretty extremos, right?  Here are some things that have been totally bitchin’ about short hair.
  • Using only a tiny amount of shampoo!
  • Feeling the cool breeze all around my head
  • No more blow-drying
  • Being ready to go in 5 minutes.
  • Good hair day EVERY day
  • Lesbian camaraderie.  (I know short hair doesn’t make one gay, but I feel like I can give a wink and a salute and be in the club now)
  • Using less hair dye, not needing to buy 2 boxes of the junk.
  • No mo clogging up the drain.
  • Finally feeling confident.

This Is For Jeff

Shoutout to Jeff, who is definitely part Vulcan, like Spock.  Here is that cat-shark-duckling-pooping we were discussing.

Obviously, I discuss very important things with my friends.

Not much else to report today, just this gif.  “I’m really into gifs right now.”

Lady Gaga: You Lost me on this one.

Lady Gaga’s new single “applause” came out this week to much fanfare, and all that fanfare coming from Lady Gaga herself.  I was obsessed with all things Gaga a few years ago, but she really just missed the mark on this song, honestly.  It’s not that catchy, it’s not an earworm, it doesn’t necessarily make you want to get up and Just Dance really.  I have a feeling Applause and this whole album ARTPOP is going to be one big ego-stroking flop.  Absence does not always make the heart grow fonder.  In this case, Gaga’s prolonged absence from the new-music charts has made her shtick old hat.

What really bothered me is how horribly she is abusing her loyal fanbase of Little Monsters to desperately get her new single to the #1 spot.  She’s cultivated a following, that’s for sure, and now she is manipulating them into spending money on multiple copies of her single to win a chance to meet her in person. The real reason she’s doing this and has been tweeting desperately like a scorned ex girlfriend?  So that she has a snowball’s chance in hell of beating out Katy Perry’s “Roar” on the charts.  The tweets speak for themselves…

Plated Giveaway Winner

Thanks to everyone who entered my giveaway for

I’ve just picked a random winner, and it’s Helen!  Congrats!

I had a lot of fun doing this giveaway, for something that I actually liked, and I look forward to sharing more stuff & things with my readers in the future… you guys are awesome.