Suck it, haters.

Well I got my first asshole comments on my blog!  I’ve hit the big time now… I have a hater.  And haters have to post anonymously, because it’d be just too much fun for me to know who they are.

Or if I know them in real life, they surely don’t want me to Tell Them About Themself.

Regardless, anyone who doesn’t like me can suck it and eat a bag of dicks with special dick topping.

I’ve been kind of absent from putting my two cents in about things lately, not deterred by eDicks, but mostly just busy with real life and not wanting to share all my shit.  But all this busyness has led to something good  –  I have a job now!  I’m really happy with it so far, and currently I’m just trying to get back into the swing of things of balancing home life and work life again.  Preparation is the key to this, for me at least.  I don’t know about you, but my weeks and days go by much more smoothly if I have all the meals planned out for us here, have my lunch all packed and ready to go, and have my gym bag packed as well.  Leave little room for error or chaos and I’m just a happier person.  Hyper-organized is one of the traits that got me hired… it helps in all parts of my life.  I’m not OCD, I just like order.

So I started a spin-off blog. I’ve since deleted it because I can’t even find the time to update my one blog, let alone two, and then I realized that I didn’t even give enough of a crap to keep up with the second.  I’ll update with lovely work stories from time to time as I see fit.  I’m really happy here though.

(In related news, when Ru Paul’s “Supermodel” came on the radio the other day and I told Mike that if he ever proposes to me and we get married, I will not do the traditional “Here Comes the Bride” down the aisle… I will instead SASHAY CHANTAE my way down that bridal runway.  He said that he’s never proposing now.)

2 Responses to “Suck it, haters.”

  1. Kizzy

    You’re cray cray! 😀

    I’m gonna be reading your spin-off blog of course! I’m super excited for you!

  2. puravida

    Congrats on your job. As for the assholes, leave their comments up. It’s a lot of fun responding to them.


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